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DUO Lash Adhesive

DUO Lash Adhesive

 DUO adhesive has a gentle formula that is safe to use and a tiny drop is all you need for those lashes to stay in place all day. A single tube of DUO can be used for numerous applications which saves you money. It dries clear and invisible to keep your eyes beautiful and your eye makeup perfect! DUO Clear Strip Lash Adhesive lasts several hours and can also be used to apply individual lashes. For easy application, apply adhesive to lash and wait 30 seconds for it to become tacky before putting your lashes on. For best results, apply full make up first and lashes last. And apply eyeliner last to blend in the last band. To remove strip lashes that were applied with Duo Strip Lash adhesive, gently peel lash off lid starting at the outer corner

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